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Understanding the JTR for PIT TDY Lodging

Navigating the intricacies of temporary duty (TDY) lodging can be a complex endeavor. Central to this process is the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), which guides military personnel on their travel-related reimbursements. In this post, we'll dive into the relationship between the JTR and TDY lodging, especially for PIT students in San Antonio, and the implications of non-availability letters.

1. What is the JTR and its relationship to TDY lodging?

The Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) is a document that dictates the guidelines for travel allowances for Department of Defense service members and civilians. When it comes to TDY lodging, the JTR offers a roadmap for service members to understand how their lodging reimbursements are calculated and under what conditions.

2. The Non-Availability Letter and Its Implications

A non-availability letter, sometimes referred to as a "Non-A letter" or "certificate of non-availability," is a crucial document in the TDY lodging process. It essentially states that on-base lodging is unavailable for the service member. The presence or absence of this letter can significantly impact the per diem rates a service member is entitled to on their PIT TDY.

Scenario 1: On-Base Lodging Availability

If a PIT student finds that on-base lodging at the Randolph Inn is available, they won't receive a non-availability letter but are still allowed to stay off-base. According to the JTR's Section 020303, Lodging, specifically Table 2-14, Row 6:

"If adequate Government quarters are available on the U.S. installation to which a Service member is assigned TDY, but the Service member chooses to use other lodging, then the Service member is limited to the reimbursement cost of Government quarters on the assigned TDY installation."

In simple terms, this means that if on-base lodging is available but the service member opts for off-base accommodation, their reimbursement will be capped at the rate of the on-base lodging ($114 per night as of this writing).

Scenario 2: Non-Availability of On-Base Lodging

In cases where on-base lodging isn't available, the PIT student will receive a non-availability letter, either through the Defense Travel System (DTS) or directly from the Randolph Inn. Referring to the JTR's Section 020303, Lodging, Section F:

"Required Documentation When Government Quarters Are Not Available. When Government quarters are not available, a DoD Service member is required to obtain a certificate of non-availability number provided by the Service's lodging registration process to justify reimbursement for commercial lodging and per diem."

In this scenario, the service member's nightly lodging per diem would be set at the local commercial rate. For San Antonio, TX (Bexar County), this rate is $143 per night for FY24, as provided by the General Services Administration (GSA).

In Summary:

The Joint Travel Regulations play an indispensable role in shaping a service member's TDY lodging experience. Understanding the nuances of the JTR ensures that service members are informed about their lodging options and entitlements, leading to smoother travel experiences. Always refer directly to the JTR and the GSA's per diem rate lookup for the most accurate and up-to-date information.


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